Terms of Service
Please read the Usage Agreement (“Agreement”) carefully before you proceed to download, install, use all or any part of the application (the “App”) (including but not limited software, files and related documents). You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement when performing the above actions. Where you do not agree with any of our terms of use (this and updated versions), please do not download, install, use the Application or remove the Application from your device. your mobile device.
  • Update:
  • This Agreement may be regularly updated by APP, the updated version will be published by us at APP. The updated version will supersede the terms and conditions in the original agreement. You can access the Application to view the detailed content of the updated version.
  • About the Application
  • APP is a multimedia connection application exclusively for mobile users in Vietnam. The application uses social network accounts as the foundation. The app supports all Android and iOS platforms.
  • Application Ownership
  • This Application is developed and owned by APP, all intellectual property rights related to the Application (including but not limited to the source code, images, data, information, content contained in the Application). Application; modifications, additions, updates of the Application) and related manuals (if any) will be owned solely by APP and no individual or organization is allowed to copy, reproduce, create, distribute, or otherwise infringe upon the rights of the owner without APP's written consent and permission.
  • Create Account
  • To use the application you must create an account at our request, you commit that the use of the account must comply with the APP's regulations, and all the information you provide to us is Yes, accurate and complete at the time required. All your rights and obligations will base on the account you have registered, so if there is any false information we will not be responsible in case that information affects or drought or drought drought or drought Your rights.
    1. Account
    You have the right to use the application and other services we provide, but that use will not include the following behaviors without APP's written consent
    1. Handling violations
    In case you violate any provisions in this agreement, APP has the right to immediately lock your account and/or eliminate all the information and content of the violation, and depend on the nature, The degree of violation you will be responsible to the competent authority, MTPE and third parties for all damage caused by or comes from your violation.
    1. Access and information collection
    (a) When using the application, you admit that we have the right to use the following system APIs to access data on your phone: (1) Read and write in the phone directory, (2 ) Take your current position when you agree, (3) write the application's data on the memory card, (4) access the Internet from your device. All of these visits are done after our consent, so you commit and admit that, when you have granted us, you will not have any complaints for With APP about this access. (b) Along with access, we will collect your following information (c) To delete your account, you can access "My Profile" on the far right button on the menu bar, select "Edit profile" and choose "Delete account". When you perform this action, all of your information will be deleted from our database.
    1. Commitment to information security
    APP sử dụng các phương thức truyền tin an toàn https và mã hóa để truyền tải và lưu trữ các dữ liệu cá nhân và giao tiếp của bạn. Chúng tôi cam kết giữ bí mật tất cả thông tin mà bạn cung cấp cho APP hoặc chúng tôi thu thập từ bạn và không tiết lộ với bất kỳ bên thứ ba nào trừ khi có yêu cầu từ Cơ quan Nhà nước có thẩm quyền.
    1. Limit responsibility and refuse to guarantee
    1. APP will not be responsible for any problem when the system error occurs, the transmission error in the process you use the service.
    2. In cases of force majeure include but not limited as an application platform with technical problems; server incidents; Travel problems or natural disasters. v. v. You must accept risks and damage if any. APP is committed to making efforts to minimize the risks and damage arising, but APP will not be responsible for these cases.
    3. If risks arise, damage in cases of force majeure, including but unlimited technical incidents, server incidents, transmission incidents or natural disasters. v. v. The user agrees that APP is exempted from responsibility in these cases in accordance with the law, we are committed to making efforts to minimize the risks and damage arising for users.
    4. The deposit is not refunded in any case.
    5. APP has the right to refuse to run any ads if not suitable without providing reason.
    6. In case the APP website & application must be stopped working under the decision of a competent state agency, APP must immediately notify the user to consider and settle.
    1. Advertising and commercial content distributed by APP
    When using the application, you admit that we have the right to use your unintentional information to provide the right advertising content.
    1. Intellectual Property
    1. All intellectual property rights that exist in the APP system belong to APP or legally licensed for APP to use, accordingly, all legal rights are guaranteed. Unless the APP consent in writing, you are not allowed to use, copy, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any form, any component of intellectual property rights. Tue for products uploaded, sent, published, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form.
    2. APP has full authority, including but not limited to copyrights, brands, business secrets and other ownerships in all APP products The use and ownership of the APP rights and ownership It is necessary to be allowed in writing in advance. In addition to being licensed in writing, APP does not licensed in any other form whether it is a form of publication or implication for you to exercise the above rights.
    1. Content boundary
    2. Our content policy plays an important role in maintaining a positive experience for you and users. Please comply with these principles. Sometimes, we can change our content policy, so check here. Also, please note that when applying the following policies, we can apply exceptions based on art consideration, education, documents or science or if there are significant benefits. Different to the public when not performing actions for content. Adult content: We do not allow adult content on the application, including images or videos containing nude images or sexual activity. Safe for children: We apply uncompromising policies to children's exploitation content. Some examples for this policy include: Pictures of child sexual abuse: We will terminate the account of any user we find that there is posting or distributing children's sexual abuse images. We will also report that user to the law enforcement agency. Pemenopia: We do not allow content to encourage or incite sexual desire for children. For example, do not create groups or post articles with image library of children in which the collection of images or text comes with sexual images. Hatred: We want you to use the application to express your opinion, even controversial opinions. However, do not go beyond the limit by posting hatred. In our opinion, hatred means the content of hostility or violence with groups based on race, national origin, nationality, religion, disability, gender, age, love, love Veterans or sexual/gender sexual tendencies. For example, not to write the post that the members of the X race are criminals or support violence against the Y. Rough content: Do not post content just to shock or cause offensive. For example, a collection of close -up images of guns or accident scenes without context or additional comments will violate this policy. Violence: Do not threaten others in your group or article. For example, do not post the threat of murder for people or groups of others and must not post the content that encourages readers to take violent actions against others or groups of others. Organizations and violent movements: Non -national violent organizations and movements have been determined are not allowed to use this product for any purpose. Do not spread content encouraging or promoting activities of these groups, such as recruiting, coordinating online or offline activities, sharing instructions or other documents that can encourage damage, promote the thoughts of non -national violent organizations, promote terrorist actions, incite violence or praise the attacks of non -national violent organizations. Depending on the content, we can also apply treatment measures to users. You can use content related to non -national violent organizations in educational context, material, scientific or artistic. However, remember to provide enough information to help people understand the context. Explusion: Do not harass or bully others. Anyone who uses the application to harass or bully may be permanently banned or deleted with the violation content from the site. In many places, harassing online is also a violation and can cause serious consequences in real life. Copyright: Our policies are responding to clear notices regarding the content of alleged copyright infringement. Personal and secret information: Do not post personal information and secret information of others. For example, do not post credit card numbers, social security numbers, private phone numbers and driving license number of others. In addition, please note that in most cases, the information already available somewhere on the internet or in public records will not be considered a secret or privacy information according to their policies. I. Impersonate and distort identity: Do not impersonate individuals or organizations or provide incorrect information about yourself. This behavior includes impersonating any individual or organization that you do not represent; Providing misleading information about identity, qualifications, ownership, purposes, products, services or business activities of a user/website; Or the wrong implication of being associated with, or confirmed by another individual or organization. In addition, this behavior also includes incorrect information or incorrect accounts or concealing ownership/main purpose, such as giving false information or intentionally hiding national origins or other origins or other origin. Other important details about yourself when directing content related to politics, social issues or issues that public opinion is interested in users in a country outside your country. We allow content to be mocking, satirical and the use of nickname or pseudonym - just avoid the content that is likely to mislead the reader about your true identity. CONTENTS MISSION: Do not spread the content of fraud, misleading or confusing users. These contents include: Misleading content related to civil and democratic processes: The content of the truth and can significantly reduce the participation or trust in civil or democratic processes. This content includes information on the process of public voting, the status of political candidates based on age/place of birth, election results or participation in the population investigation in conflict with the records. Official government. This content also includes inaccurate statements that a political figure or government official has passed away, an accident or suddenly became seriously ill. Misleading content related to harmful conspiracy theory: The content of promoting or expressing the belief that individuals or groups of people are doing comprehensive damage systems. This content contradicts most of the evidence and led to or agitated violence. Misleading content related to health activities: Information about health or misleading health in order to mobilize or encourage people to participate in activities that can cause serious damage to serious. Physical or mental for individuals or seriously harm the health of the community. The media manipulated: The media has been technically manipulated or changed content in a misleading way for users and may cause serious harm. You may be allowed to use misleading content in educational context, documents, science or art, but remember to provide enough information to help people understand this context. In some cases, we will not allow this content to exist on our platforms regardless of the scope. Illegal activities: Do not use Groups to participate in illegal activities or promote dangerous and illegal activities. For example, do not write posts to encourage people to drink alcohol and drive. Please do not use Groups to sell or advertise drugs that are managed or illegal drugs. If not, we can delete your content. In addition, in serious cases, such as cases related to children's abuse, we may report your case to the competent authority. Spam: Spam has some forms on Groups, all forms lead to deleting your account or group. Some examples include group creation designed to guide traffic to your website or move your website on the search list, post answers to other people's messages just To promote your product or website and pick up existing content from other sources with the main purpose of creating revenue or other personal interests. Toxic and virus software: Do not create groups of viruses, leading to a population window, seeking to install software without the permission of the reader or affecting the reader by code toxic. We strictly prohibit this act on the application. Goods and services are managed: Do not use Groups to sell or facilitate the sale of goods and services managed such as alcohol, gambling, pharmaceuticals and functional foods that have not been approved, tobacco, firecrackers Flowers, weapons or health/health equipment. However, you are allowed to discuss this goods and services.
    1. Implementation of content policies of the application
    2. If you see a group or news that you think that violates our content policy, please inform us using the 'violation report' option. Our groups consider these flags to identify cases of policy violations. If the content does not violate our policies, we will not perform any action. If we see that the content of our policy violations, we will take one or more actions based on the severity of the violation: